May 27 Madrid

Prado museum, Madrid

Prado museum, Madrid

Here 24th to 28th when we collect our car and head south.


Palace, Madrid

Madrid is an interesting place. We have accommodation right in the centre, 10 mins walk from the Prado etc. A town of twisty little streets heading off in odd directions. Daytime temperatures are very mild – mid 20s, and people seem to live on the streets. Outside cafes are everywhere. People don’t seem to get active until around 9PM and most restaurants are just starting to get going by about 10PM. Lots of galleries, theatres etc etc.

A room in the palace, Madrid

A room in the palace, Madrid


Military museum,Madrid

We spent half of yesterday exploring the Prado. Lots of fantastic art – Goya is a speciality of the house, but there is much, much more.









Here are some more photos of our Madrid travels so far: