2016-05-28 Toledo

After an exciting taxi ride to the depot near the airport (eg 100 kph in a 50 kph zone …) we collected our car and headed south to Toledo, an ancient town on a hill. Wonderful place. This is the first time I have seen a parking house that gives rates by the minute (3 eurocents/min).

G5D26710We took a random walk, finding lots of interesting things. The public library has spectacular views over the town.

We bumped into a couple just married, and took some wedding photos for them.IMG_6698 What a fabulous venue!

We found a cat wedged behind bars at the top of a window.IMG_6715

People in Spain are prone to smoke in public places, alas.







IMG_6736But they do know how to party – like the group we found living it up on their balcony.




And we discovered that the streets are so narrow they have to cut a wedge out of some of the walls so that drivers can fit through without smashing their side mirrors.

And the rain in Spain falls mainly on the Shaws… Fortunately we had almost got back to the car when it started. We had some torrential downpours on our way further south, but thankfully the weather cleared before we reached Cordoba. G5D26752




Lots more photos at https://goo.gl/photos/zagMZ29w7U2xm6mMA