2016-0619 Millau

Why Millau, you may be wondering. The key attraction this time was its spectacular road viaduct. One of the engineering wonders. The thumbnail photo below does scant justice. It is HUGE. One mast summit reaches 343 metres above the base, making it the highest bridge in the world (according to wikipedia). The road is suspended 240 m above the valley floor and is around 2.5 km from end to end.G5D20009b

Millau road viaduct

Millau has a lot else to offer. It is a relatively quiet rural town  on the Tarn

Old water mill at Millau

Old water mill at Millau

river in Southern France, with a long history – settlement in the area dating back 3000 years, and with settlement in its current location from ~100 BC. The surrounding area has gorges, caves and other interesting things, which we did not have time to explore (something for next time). We did wander into the old town to explore the old architecture, sample the patisserie (Roquefort pie for lunch… yum), and generally have a pleasant time.

Church in Millau

Church in Millau

As usual, more photos are available at https://goo.gl/photos/Z27tm5giNspNv348A