2016-07-15 Salisbury

Salisbury, Meadow Flowers

Salisbury, Meadow Flowers

I headed North from Ringwood under glowering skies, heading for Stonehenge, but just as I was passing Salisbury it started to rain so indoors activities seemed more sensible. I parked beside Old Sarum, an ancient fortified hill that was the site of the earliest settlement at Salisbury, and walked down to the new town through lovely meadows.

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury is famed for its cathedral, a prominent example of early English church architecture. It has the tallest church spire (123 metres), the largest cloister and the largest cathedral close in the UK.

Salisbury Cathedral, inside the tower

Salisbury Cathedral, inside the tower



As I entered I was accosted by a volunteer offering a guided tour, so I took her up on the offer. Margaret, like the other volunteer guides I have met in my UK travels, was

a font of knowledge and really did a fantastic job.

Salisbury Cathedral, inside the tower, windlass

Salisbury Cathedral, inside the tower, windlass


I did overhear one volunteer at Winchester saying that to become a volunteer guide involved a 26 week course, formal examinations, and subsequent assessments when the secret assessors simply join a tour. These guides are clearly very dedicated.

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

An hour and a half later…. I headed to the ticket office to get a recommended tower tour ticket. What luck – there was one place available in 20 minutes. Another fascinating tour for another 2 hours. I enjoyed this again. Lots of history, the oldest working clock in the world (AD 1386), the architecture, the tales of renovations and repairs, and the spectacular views from the gallery around the base of the spire. Well worth the effort of all those stairs.

I managed also to view their copy of the Magna Carta in the spectacular chapter house. By the time I had finished there was no time to head on to Stonehenge – something for next time.

More photos at: https://goo.gl/photos/bJP3GzStJVADZZ6w5