2016-07-19 The End

10:15 PM from Heathrow, after endless queuing (Emirates even had pre-queues to get to the check in queue! At one time we noted there was a pre-pre queue to get to the pre-queue to get… !!!); long, long flights; arrived at 6 AM a day and a bit later, knackered, and jetlagged for a week. But it was worth it. My thanks to Steven and Judy for helping make this such a fantastic trip.

In all, nearly 7000 km driving (not counting many minor side trips from the main route or the extra distance when we got lost). Would I do it again – certainly, but next time  we will allow more time for a more relaxed adventure.

My favourite place … so many, so different, so wonderful. Look at the blog and the galleries, and make your own choice.map