2016-05-28 Cordoba

Booking accommodation in Cordoba turned out to be challenging – not a lot available. When we got there, the reason became clear. There was a huge festival on. Unfortunately everything was in Spanish and English speakers were thin on the ground, so we never got to find out what the festival was about. Lots of fairground fun, including, for an Aussie theme, a Kangaroo ride! Lots of tavern/eateries, lots of lights. lots and lots of people having fun.G5D26757







Next morning, first thing, we headed to the Mezquita, an amazing church/mosque with a rich history.

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IMG_6994After we were booted out (they close at 11:30), we indulged in another random walk. Have I mentioned that the streets are narrow? They are barely wide enough for a small car.

Amongst other interesting things, we found a truck and workers laying out a 3 metre wide trail of chopped rosemary onto the road. We knew something was likely to happen.


IMG_7103In the evening when we headed out again, we bumped into a religious procession involving huge numbers of clergy, vast amounts of gold and ornamentation, and a troop or two of military men, tramping along the green trail of chopped rosemary. We never did find out what the procession was about. IMG_7116





After that we photograph the local landmarks at dusk.IMG_7146IMG_7150







Lots  more photos at https://goo.gl/photos/kb2Lsx24qKYkmFoS6