2016-06-02 Gibraltar

IMG_7473We made a brief visit to Gibraltar en route from Granada to Tarifa. A little slice of Britain, including Bobbies on the beat, and people speaking English. And what a spectacular bit of landscape. We took the cable car to the top, Photographed North Africa – Jbel Musra mountains visible through the haze, explored some WW II fortifications, hassled the Barbary Macaques then descended the “Mediteranean steps” a VERY steep plunge down the cliff face. At one point the track is tunnelled through the rock. Interesting views, many seabirds, a snake (according to the rather startled English tourists who were just ahead of us – it was gone when we arrived).

Jebel Musa mountain in Morocco, from Gibraltar

Jebel Musa mountain in Morocco, from Gibraltar

Lots of other photos at https://goo.gl/photos/Q5eVPfPGhmjefME66