2016-06-11 Picos de Europa

Fuente De Teleferico (cable car) disappearing into the mist on its 800 m near vertical ascent.

Fuente De Teleferico (cable car) disappearing into the mist on its 800 m near vertical ascent.

The Picos are a stunning range of mountains on the northern Spanish coastline, with mainly limestone mountains, heavily glaciated, and peaks up to 2650 m and some of the world’s deepest caves (~1600 m). Needless to say we only explored some of the surface features.


Local crow

Local crow

We started from Fuente De where there is a cable car (Teleferico) that rises 800 m from 1100 m to 1900 m in 4 minutes. Much easier than walking up with our heavy camera bags. Since the clouds were thick, we pottered around the plateau about 1 km from El Cable, had lunch (flocked by optimistic crows).



Track to Torre Horcados Rojos

Track to Torre Horcados Rojos

In clearing weather we then we headed off up the valley for a few km to about 2250 m or so for some sights before it was time to head back. We got on the very last cable car heading down for the evening.


Alpine meadow

Alpine meadow

Next day, with lots of low cloud, we opted for a lower level walk up an adjacent valley and round some local mountains. Very pleasant mountain scenery, some lovely wildfolwers, and we hardly got rained on at all.


Wildflowers and mountains

Wildflowers and mountains

We could have spend much longer … We will return.


More photos at: https://goo.gl/photos/5q4evuyUjRy9VoAK8